Hanuman dancing mask



Hanuman dancing mask

In Hindu mythology, the monkey God, commander of the monkey army . One of the most appealing Hindu deities, Hanuman’s bravery, courage, and loyalty throughout the Ramayana epic are renowned.

Hanuman is worshipped as a subsidiary figure in temples dedicated to Rama or directly in shrines dedicated to Hanuman himself. The latter are generally thronged by monkeys, who know that they cannot be mistreated there. In temples throughout India, he appears in the form of a monkey with a red face who stands erect like a human. For his service to Rama, Hanuman is upheld as a model for all human devotion (bhakti).

Lovely dancing mask of Hanuman worn during performances by members of the Kokna Tribe. The face painted in blue of the Monkey God Hanuman pictures the devotion for the God.
The mask’s nostrils have been cut out to create the eye holes, to help the dancer navigate while wearing the mask.

Additional information


India, Kokna tribes, Konkan region


XX Century