Dhodro Banam

Musical instrument



Dhodro Banam

This multiple-string dhodro banam comes from the Santal tribal community of central India, the Santhals are the largest tribal community who live in the Indian states of Bihar, Orissa and West Bengal. Music is an important part of Santhal culture and the Santhal are gifted and passionate dancers and musicians and most of their songs and dances are related to various seasons and phases of life. A variety of sculptural instruments are used by the tribe, the most unique of which are the dhodro banam (hollow instrument).

Related to the sarinda and sarangi, the dhodro banam has a skin covered resonator and is played with a bow. This decorated dhodro banam features zoomorphic carvings of a peacock tail on the top part.

Additional information


India, Santhal Tribes


XX Century